My Charts

I feel like any music lover should have a account, I have been a member myself since 2010. For those of you that don’t know is a website that tracks and charts all of the music that you listen to, in my case back when I first got an account I had it […]

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Check These Bands Out

“New bands to listen to please!” or words to that effect is a tweet I regularly see knocking about, so here is a reply in blog form with a couple of links to songs from each artist! I’m crossing a few genres here so hopefully there’s something for everyone Crown The EmpireĀ – Zero & The […]

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Bristol Thekla

Overall Impressions Well, its a boat, I think that is pretty much everyones first impressions of The Thekla, it is pretty special as a music venue, I’m very confident that some people have gone out of their way purposefully for the novelty of seeing a gig on a boat. The venue is in a pretty […]

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Plymouth Underground

  Overall Impressions Very intimate venue but it seems well loved by the community and well looked after. The venue is a short way out of the city centre, the walk is about 10/15 minutes with various fast food outlets on the way and nearby. When you get there it is exactly what it says […]

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Travel For Gigs

In 2010 I moved away from Birmingham (not through choice but thats not the point) to Llandudno, a small town in North Wales. Now to say Llandudno never gets any gigs would be an overstatement, but only a very slight one, in October 2009 Enter Shikari headlined here, followed by Pendulum two months later, but […]

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